Thursday, September 30, 2010

Promethean Boards

A Promethean board is a combination of a white board and a computer.  Everything you do on the computer is projected onto a special screen, which can also be written on when using a particular pen.  The Promethean board also comes with hand-held devices.
Teachers are able to use this new innovation to help create an interactive classroom.  In the classroom I observed for my level two field experience, each student was able to use a hand held-device that enabled them to cast 'votes'.  The teacher posted problems on the Promethean board and the students would cast their votes via the hand-held device.  Teachers and students can also use a specific pen to write on the board.  I have seen the pen being used lot when making corrections on papers and doing math problems.  I believe the Promethean board makes interaction with students in the classroom much easier and more effective!

Christman, Andrea. (2010, June 28). Sigms playground. Retrieved from 

For more information and ideas on Promethean boards go to: