Friday, October 15, 2010

The iPad

Apple recently came out with a new product, the iPad.  This new product allows people to do just about anything! There are an endless number of apps that are available that will provide for just about everybody!  With the iPad, the possibilities have become countless. The iPad have become very popular in the adult world, but have people even realized the potential this new gadget could have in the classroom?  The iPad can be used to promote learning in many different ways.  With the large amount of apps offered, this new innovation can be aligned with just about any subject matter in school. Students can use a program called iWork. This word processor allows you to create word documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. You can also download books into the iPad, this may some day eliminate textbooks.  How convenient would it be to only carry around one object that contained all your textbooks, rather than carrying around five textbooks at once? It is amazing to think that so much can be done with one piece of technology, not to mention it can fit in your hands!  Educators have the ability to introduce a new time in education, a time where projects are done digitally any place in the world!

Versatile iPads - See how this learning tool can adapt to many different school subjects.

Some rights reserved by Yutaka Tsutano at

Watch this video to see how one classroom uses iPads effectively!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cell Phones in the Classroom

Cell phones in the classroom has always been a very controversial issue. We know that cell phones in school can disrupt learning, but could cell phones be more beneficial than harmful? A lot of schools are now trying to use cell phones in a positive way.  After all, cell phones are portable personal computers already owned by nearly every student; I would consider cell phones a beneficial learning tool.  With 21st century skills being a huge part in education today, cell phones are a great way to teach students how to use the resources that are available to them.  
I know of one educator who incorporated cell phones into her English class.  Almost every cell phone has a camera, so this teacher had all of her students go take pictures on their cell phones of something that inspired them in their town.  Then the students brought their photos to school and uploaded their pictures onto the school computers. After that, the students had to write a story based on the inspirational photos they took.  This is just one example of how cell phones could be incorporated into a classroom, there are endless about of opportunities cell phones offer in school.

Cell Phone Usage  Go to this web link to see how one Los Angeles teacher encourages cell phones in his classroom.
Some rights reserved by Compujeramey at

Monday, October 11, 2010

Laptops in the Classroom

Laptops are something that is up and coming in classrooms.  More and more classrooms are providing laptops for all of the students in class to use.  By all students having access to laptops, it offers more access to information and resources. Having laptops for each students would allow teachers to do more projects that offer inquiry on specific topics they are covering.  It would also allow students to use more resources along with collaborate in groups at the same time.  Time is a valuable element in education, every minute you can save or use more effectively will be beneficial for both students and teachers.  Online courses are already offered in college, with laptops available to students in high school, high school teachers could start teaching classes completely online as well.  This would give students more responsibility and help prepare them for college.

Laptops in the classrooms - View this web link to receive more ideas on how to use laptops in the classrooms!

Some rights reserved by Arbon at

Watch this video and see how students react to having their own laptops in class!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Promethean Boards

A Promethean board is a combination of a white board and a computer.  Everything you do on the computer is projected onto a special screen, which can also be written on when using a particular pen.  The Promethean board also comes with hand-held devices.
Teachers are able to use this new innovation to help create an interactive classroom.  In the classroom I observed for my level two field experience, each student was able to use a hand held-device that enabled them to cast 'votes'.  The teacher posted problems on the Promethean board and the students would cast their votes via the hand-held device.  Teachers and students can also use a specific pen to write on the board.  I have seen the pen being used lot when making corrections on papers and doing math problems.  I believe the Promethean board makes interaction with students in the classroom much easier and more effective!

Christman, Andrea. (2010, June 28). Sigms playground. Retrieved from 

For more information and ideas on Promethean boards go to: