Monday, October 11, 2010

Laptops in the Classroom

Laptops are something that is up and coming in classrooms.  More and more classrooms are providing laptops for all of the students in class to use.  By all students having access to laptops, it offers more access to information and resources. Having laptops for each students would allow teachers to do more projects that offer inquiry on specific topics they are covering.  It would also allow students to use more resources along with collaborate in groups at the same time.  Time is a valuable element in education, every minute you can save or use more effectively will be beneficial for both students and teachers.  Online courses are already offered in college, with laptops available to students in high school, high school teachers could start teaching classes completely online as well.  This would give students more responsibility and help prepare them for college.

Laptops in the classrooms - View this web link to receive more ideas on how to use laptops in the classrooms!

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Watch this video and see how students react to having their own laptops in class!

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