Friday, October 15, 2010

The iPad

Apple recently came out with a new product, the iPad.  This new product allows people to do just about anything! There are an endless number of apps that are available that will provide for just about everybody!  With the iPad, the possibilities have become countless. The iPad have become very popular in the adult world, but have people even realized the potential this new gadget could have in the classroom?  The iPad can be used to promote learning in many different ways.  With the large amount of apps offered, this new innovation can be aligned with just about any subject matter in school. Students can use a program called iWork. This word processor allows you to create word documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. You can also download books into the iPad, this may some day eliminate textbooks.  How convenient would it be to only carry around one object that contained all your textbooks, rather than carrying around five textbooks at once? It is amazing to think that so much can be done with one piece of technology, not to mention it can fit in your hands!  Educators have the ability to introduce a new time in education, a time where projects are done digitally any place in the world!

Versatile iPads - See how this learning tool can adapt to many different school subjects.

Some rights reserved by Yutaka Tsutano at

Watch this video to see how one classroom uses iPads effectively!

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