Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cell Phones in the Classroom

Cell phones in the classroom has always been a very controversial issue. We know that cell phones in school can disrupt learning, but could cell phones be more beneficial than harmful? A lot of schools are now trying to use cell phones in a positive way.  After all, cell phones are portable personal computers already owned by nearly every student; I would consider cell phones a beneficial learning tool.  With 21st century skills being a huge part in education today, cell phones are a great way to teach students how to use the resources that are available to them.  
I know of one educator who incorporated cell phones into her English class.  Almost every cell phone has a camera, so this teacher had all of her students go take pictures on their cell phones of something that inspired them in their town.  Then the students brought their photos to school and uploaded their pictures onto the school computers. After that, the students had to write a story based on the inspirational photos they took.  This is just one example of how cell phones could be incorporated into a classroom, there are endless about of opportunities cell phones offer in school.

Cell Phone Usage  Go to this web link to see how one Los Angeles teacher encourages cell phones in his classroom.
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